Coreopsis Dreams: Cultivating Colors

In 2021, my forays into using plants as dye stuff really blossomed! 2021 saw the introduction of a dedicated space at Alemany Farm for growing ancient dye plants. In addition to my role as a longtime farm volunteer, since 2017 my fiber art practice has included using foraged plants from the farm and hillside to dye fiber for color experimentation and to use in my weavings. Building a close relationship to—and investigation of—place is very important to me as a […]

Shibori using a natural dye

I’ve been crazy about shibori, a resist dye technique, since I bought a piece of fabric in 1996 with the small tie dye geometric patterning. My romanticized idea of the process was that the cloth was tied around pieces of rice then submerged in a dye bath. It was only later I found out what the technique was called and how it worked (and I haven’t seen any substantiation for this idea I had earlier). I’ve since brought several other […]